United States
The front of my house face south and slightly west. ABout 15 feet away from the house is a tall maple that shades the front of the house much of the time. I am looking to plant shrubs in front of the house, but am having a difficult time. I need a plant that can handle the Virginia heat and partial sun. The intent is to plant them in front of the house, so am looking for slow growing, deer resistant partial shade max height of 3 feet.
12 Sep, 2015
I'm sorry, Cammomile, but what are "they"?
I would recommend a dwarf variety of Yaupon Holly (Ilex vomitoria), such as 'Stokes', or 'Nana'. Forms of Euonymus japonica might also work. At higher elevations in the mountains, forms of Japanese Boxwood or Korean Boxwood might work better--English Boxwood may not be heat tolerant enough.
14 Sep, 2015
Oops the beginning disappeared into the ether! Camellias and rhododendrons!
14 Sep, 2015
I often wonder about all those invisible letters floating around. Is that sort of thing safe to breathe?? :D
14 Sep, 2015
They can be grown in higher temperatures, with some shade (your tree) and deer won't eat them (I have a friend and they won't eat her rhododendrons or camellias). You need to make sure they have enough water in the summer.
12 Sep, 2015