By Ladyessex1
Leigh-on-Sea Essex,
United Kingdom
Could someone name this bird for me that I took Please :o))

16 Sep, 2015
Sure is. Never seen one with that little yellow feather before.
16 Sep, 2015
That's what threw me too.
16 Sep, 2015
Apparently finches hybridise. Looks like a possible cross with another species possibly goldfinch or maybe greenfinch.
16 Sep, 2015
There is another website for bird enthusiasts called "" You would do far better addressing your question to them. Those guys know all about birds.
16 Sep, 2015
Some of us are keen birders too Bathgate. I agree with Buddleja Garden that this looks like a hybrid finch probably a goldfinch with that colouring on the wing.
16 Sep, 2015
I've found out it's a Chaffinch :o)
17 Sep, 2015
Not with those yellow wing feathers, it is a hybrid LadyE
17 Sep, 2015
Have done a bit of googling on this now and the most likely cross is with a siskin - there is a photo which looks very similar. It is very unlikely to be a goldfinch cross as apparently these are very difficult to produce
17 Sep, 2015
Interesting Stera...
18 Sep, 2015
Thanks for all the info folks :o))
22 Sep, 2015
I'd say it was a chaffinch.
16 Sep, 2015