By Ladyessex1
Leigh-on-Sea Essex,
United Kingdom
Hi Yer. When can I prune my Garden Hibiscus, I want to prune it down to make it smaller as it has got rather large & taking over LOL x
29 Sep, 2015
I like to do mine, if they need any cutting back, in the second half of February. With any luck, the worst of the winter is over by then and with the leaves off, you can see what needs doing.
29 Sep, 2015
Thanks to you both, I hope the spiders have gone by then too LOL x
30 Sep, 2015
Although you would probably get away with it if it's one of the hardier types and if we don't have too harsh a winter(let's face it, we don't usually in our neck of the woods...I'm just down the road(well, up the road actually) from you) But, I would normally do it in spring to be safe, particularly if cutting back quite hard!
29 Sep, 2015