By Slimdil
Northumberland, United Kingdom
Advice please. Got loads of green tomatoes left which will probably make into chutney. However a few (as in photos) have become discoloured. Can anyone tell me what the problem is and are they still edible?
- 8 Oct, 2015
Here's a recipe for "Fried Green Tomatoes."
8 Oct, 2015
Thanks for that. Yes, it looks like catfacing - which I'd never heard of. You learn something every day!
8 Oct, 2015
Aye you do, including me - I never realised this was called catfacing either, I've always just called it corky scarring, lol. I'm still wondering why its called catfacing though, looks nothing like a cat's face to me...
9 Oct, 2015
Previous question
Looks like a cross between fruit split and catfacing - read the link below for an explanation. Not uncommon at this time of year
8 Oct, 2015