By Wendyjayne
United Kingdom
Hi I have a problem with my small front garden lawn. It seems I have noticed small holes around the edge and having watched noticed what looks like hover flies entering the holes and then coming back out. Have been told that the could be some sort of a nest under the grass. If so what can I do to get rid of them please. Any ideas.
8 Oct, 2015
Nothing to worry about.
8 Oct, 2015
Agree with Cammomile and Stera - just let them be. As gardeners we can be all too keep to kill insects, many of which we need as pollinators.
8 Oct, 2015
Most likely ground nesting bees - more info in the links below. Best not kill them, really, if you can bear not to, we do need them all for pollination purposes.
Even if you had a pest control company kill them, more will come back another time because the conditions there suit them. Rather than killing them, wait till they've emptied out in spring, then improve your lawn conditions, if you don't want them back - the soil is probably light and perfect for mining bees, so if you really don't like having them out there, you may need to dig over, incorporating composted materials, particularly composted manures, allow to settle and returf or cast seed.
9 Oct, 2015
Hover flies are very beneficial to flowers and I haven't heard of them living in nests so maybe it's not them. Whatever they are they aren't likely to survive much longer because it's getting colder.
8 Oct, 2015