By Ladyessex1
Leigh-on-Sea Essex,
United Kingdom
I've read in Saturdays Mirror paper that in two weeks Scotland is in for Snow & it will be making its way here but not sure when, did anyone else see it?
10 Oct, 2015
Well I read it... type in... snow on the way & read it for yourself :o)) or :o((
10 Oct, 2015
The BBC says nothing about it, October looks fairly settled. I would draw you attention to this statement from the Met Office/BBC:
"The weather beyond about a week ahead stretches even the most experienced weather forecaster. Complex numerical weather forecast models from the Met Office and the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) are run many times for the month (and season) ahead to build up a picture of the likelihood of different weather types affecting the UK."
I can safely say that most tabloid journalists are intellectually challenged.
10 Oct, 2015
Yes I read in another newspaper that we could be in for a cold snap sooner rather than later but all weather forecasts are rather unreliable at the best of times - remember the non hurricane?
10 Oct, 2015
Sounds like the weatherman has been putting snow up his nose.
11 Oct, 2015
Seems to me its when they Don't warn us we get bad weather......
how many times have we seen great long queues of snowbound traffic as the gritters hadn't been sent out.....or the wrong type of snow.....?
11 Oct, 2015
Daily Mirror rubbish, as usual!
11 Oct, 2015
Snow in Scotland in October, not unexpected on the hills and mountains...
11 Oct, 2015
I don't think its the weatherman snorting the colombian marching powder, Loosestrife - its the journalists. They spout this stuff all the time, dire warnings of incredible heatwaves in summer, biblical droughts, Noah's Ark weather at other times, arctic blasts as we head towards winter - these newspapers are comics, just for entertainment, if that's your thing, not to be taken seriously. The Daily Mail's the worst one of all - they even recycle health information, announcing stuff as new even though they reported on it two years ago - half the time there's not much to say so they make it up as they go along just to get people going. And it seems to work... I've certainly laughed uproariously at some of the stuff which appears in the Mail, its such cobblers...
Funnily enough, Ladyessex, one of my friends told me this evening we would have snow in London by the end of this week - I'm afraid I immediately asked her if she'd got that from the Mail, which, of course, she had, lol! I'll believe it when I see it...
11 Oct, 2015
Well, it HAS snowed in Moscow already! And snow is forecast for Central Germany midweek.
11 Oct, 2015
Hi Owdb. this is normal for the time of year!
11 Oct, 2015
Well, anything's possible Owdboggy - personally, I subscribe to the view that the chances are high we'll have a repeat of the winter of 2010 this year - but it remains to be seen.
11 Oct, 2015
And while we're at it, Lord Lucan was spotted earlier today eating fish and chips in Bognor Regis, a tortoise will win next year's Grand National, the world will end on 24th November, and pigs are flying across my loving room as I type this.
11 Oct, 2015
Well, here's to pigs flying across my living room.....CHEERS EVERYONE!
12 Oct, 2015
The words 'tabloid' and 'news' shouldn't ever appear together in the same sentence in my view! There has already been several snowfalls in the Austrian alps and I would expect there to be, skiing starts late September. In Scotland we can have snow on the mountains any day of the year, it just is.
12 Oct, 2015
If this years berries are anything to go by then 2010 could be on the cards as Bamboo says.......
I hope by next march/ April time to prove or disprove the myth
❄❄❄❄❄or ☔?☔?☔or best ofall ?????
12 Oct, 2015
I would have thought plentiful berries was a result of good fruit set earlier in the year rather than a forecast of what is to come.
12 Oct, 2015
Loosetrife, I thought you meant real snow up his nose and couldn't see why he'd do that....
Don't tabloids just love scare stories.
12 Oct, 2015
Thats what I want to find out Andrew!
obviously not proof positive but interesting to wait and see....
I fervently hope the legend is wrong and you are right ?
12 Oct, 2015
I've long been convinced that masses of berries everywhere simply reflects the conditions during the growing season preceding their formation, and has nowt to do with the coming winter weather.
Steragram - I'm not at all sure Loosestrife meant anything other than actual snow, I just made a joke out of it...
And Andrewr, I'm intrigued by the concept of a 'loving room', don't remember that when we visited that time;-)))
12 Oct, 2015
Steragram, when I wrote that I was wondering how many would'nt make the connection:) Then again I might have started something here; I now envision hoards invading the alps giving it a try....for a new kind of high... :0
12 Oct, 2015
Or painful sinuses, Loosestrife..
12 Oct, 2015
Extremely painful sinuses! Back in the '70s when we lived in rural Aberdeenshire we woke up one morning to so much snow that Bulba. could not get down the track to the road and son could not get to school. All gone by lunch time but worth remembering that at the latitude we live at snow is always a possibility :)
12 Oct, 2015
Bamboo - you only get to see my loving room by snorting the colombian marching powder ;-)
12 Oct, 2015
Ha ha... made me shout with laughter, Andrew, falling about here!!!
13 Oct, 2015
Should have stated in my last comment it was in June we had the snow!
13 Oct, 2015
I thought this was a gardening forum, no a weather blog !!!
16 Oct, 2015
Without weather there would be no garden.
16 Oct, 2015
Surprising how often we get slightly off topic - could be why we're all hooked on the site...
16 Oct, 2015
Certainly why I've been with Goy since 2009!
and long may it continue ....
after all we're all pals and enjoy a good natter over the ( Virtual) garden fence?
17 Oct, 2015
Nellie61 there is no getting away from the reality that gardening involves almost every aspect of life from that which is around us to what is within us and you will see that reflected in this website. Enjoy it:)
17 Oct, 2015
Agree, Loosestrife - though primarily, gardening connects most closely with weather/climate and wildlife, then more broadly, ecology and health - of both people and the planet, not forgetting mental health of people as well as physical. Gardening's good for the soul... and its therefore a very broad church, Nellie61!
17 Oct, 2015
From our local newspaper in Reading from a couple of days ago:
"Weather experts have poured scorn on suggestions we're set for the dreaded 'snowmageddon' this winter.
National media reports in recent days have predicted there could be up to 36 days of snow over the winter months.
However, a weather expert working in Reading said this was just 'pure speculation.'
Accuweather, the company which released the forecast, have become renowned for wild forecasts into the next season but it's actually difficult to give a clear forecast for anything more than five days in advance.
The reports suggested it would be the coldest winter in five years, increasing hopes of a white Christmas. Temperatures were predicted to reach as low as minus 16 degrees.
However, the Met Office suggests very cold conditions are not likely anytime soon, with the probability of temperatures in the coldest of five categories between 15 and 20 per cent.
And a spokeswoman said: "We just don't know what's going to happen, it's too early to tell.
"We don't do seasonal forecasting for that reason."
25 Oct, 2015
The first snow on the summit of Cairngorm was on Saturday; it is normally at the beginning of October. As usual, it had disapeared by Sunday morning.
25 Oct, 2015
Huh! And the weather people get paid for giving us the wrong weather reports LOL
26 Oct, 2015
Remember Michael Fish...
26 Oct, 2015
Probably the biggest mis-forecasting while the Met Office was in Bracknell. Now it's moved to Exeter, so you can't blame us any more!
26 Oct, 2015
26 Oct, 2015
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Sounds like utter tabloid rubbish to me.
10 Oct, 2015