By Annabella
United Kingdom
My Dianthus have finished flowering,what do I do next,will they come back next season? and thanks for answering my last querys.
29 Jul, 2010
Dianthus appreciate a good, tight haircut after flowering, like now, and they should be OK for next year.
29 Jul, 2010
Thanks for that,I will give them a haircut and try to take cuttings so that I can have even more I love them!........Annabella.
29 Jul, 2010
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I deadhead them. Will they come back next year? Quite possibly. Some are annuals, some, like Sweet Williams, are biennials and some are perennial. I bought a tray of Chinese pinks last summer that were supposed (according to the label) to be annuals and quite a few of those are still with us. Perennial pinks seem to live for years though they get quite straggly so look better if you take cuttings and start again when they get to that stage. They root really easily.
29 Jul, 2010