By Beanie93
United Kingdom
Can I prune a hybrid tea rose in October/November and if so how much?
On plant
'Barkarole (Tanelorah)
20 Oct, 2015
I agree if you are in a windy site then a trim of about 1/3 to reduce the chance of wind rock is about as much as I'd go at this time of year. You can of course prune it a bit more say 1/2 when all the leaves have fallen.
20 Oct, 2015
Previous question
« can I prune a hybrid rose in October/November and if so how much?
It's best to prune roses in the early spring just before they break dormancy. Pruning now will encourage new growth which will not harden off in time. Don't prune more then 1/3.
20 Oct, 2015