Is it possible to grow strawberries without using slug pellets and if is
United Kingdom
Is it possible to grow strawberries without using slug pellets and if it is how ?
20 Oct, 2015
Rings of copper wire or foil around the plants. Diatomaceous earth. Laying down boards or rolled up newspaper in the evening, to provide a "refuge" in the morning, then lift the roof and scoop 'em up.
21 Oct, 2015
Sounds very labour intensive Tugbrethil, especially the diatomaceous bit! (What is that and what does it do btw?)
21 Oct, 2015
Cammomile, diatomaceous earth is mined from fossil deposits of the sharp silica skeletons of a type of algae (diatoms) which strongly irritate the skin of the slugs and snails, and often kill ground crawling arthropods, such as crickets or rolly-pollies.
22 Oct, 2015
Well you certainly learn something new every day!
22 Oct, 2015
finely cut hair around each plant is supposed to deter slugs/snails
9 Dec, 2015
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I always thought straw deterred slugs as they don't like climbing or slithering on it. Failing that, grow them in hanging baskets, or go out at night with a torch and kill the beasties.
20 Oct, 2015