By Amsterdam
United Kingdom
Summer bedding. Would like to clear my pots of summer bedding in preparation of bulb planting. Thing is my pots still look quite good at the moment so could I still hang on? Haven't had any real frosts yet and none is forecast for a while.???
23 Oct, 2015
Not in most of the UK Bathgate, by then the ground will be cold, wet and possibly frozen. Spring bulbs are normally planted in September, early October.
24 Oct, 2015
Why this obsession with hauling out bedding plants to plant spring bulbs? We grow perennials rather than bedding and I plant bulbs in between, around and even underneath the perennials. Whilst the bulbs should still grow, it is already rather late for planting them. Whilst tidying in the garden I am alrerady finding crocus, daffodils and tulips bulbs starting into growth.
24 Oct, 2015
I leave the bulbs in and just topdress with fresh soil, annuals in the summer and viola in autumn
24 Oct, 2015
Exactly Bulba and Pamg no reason to keep lifting the bulbs!
24 Oct, 2015
I like to add a few new bulbs each season or change things around.
24 Oct, 2015
That is your choice... personally I think it is better to plant bulbs and leave them alone to grow!
24 Oct, 2015
Yes but for one reason or another they don't all always come back.
24 Oct, 2015
Ours do and multiply...
25 Oct, 2015
I sometimes forget where I planted them ?....and get a lovely suprise ?
25 Oct, 2015
Sometimes squirrels with dig them up and eat them.
25 Oct, 2015
Thanks guys. As usual a wide variety of responses and experiences!!
25 Oct, 2015
Yes, enjoy the pots for as long as possible. The frost will come soon enough. Spring bulbs can be planted as late as mid November.
24 Oct, 2015