By Eevans
United Kingdom
looking for a summer flowering hebe, lilac fading to white, 5' tall absolutely covered in bees all summer. A friend had a hedge but cut it down - seedlings not coming true.
On plant
27 Nov, 2015
Midsummer Beauty, which does get to five feet, or maybe Autumn Glory , though its shorter, around 3-4 feet - Hebe CT (now called Hebe youngii) flowers much earlier, around May/June, well here anyway, and is more of a rockery or ground cover Hebe. Hebe salicifolia has similar flowers, but gets much bigger.
28 Nov, 2015
If this doesn't help email the Hebe Society - I found them incredibly helpful when I once asked them something.
28 Nov, 2015
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Previous question
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There are two possibles that I know: Midsummer Beauty which has lavender flowers from July - October and grows to about six foot. Or there is Carl Teschner (9in x 3ft) which has white throated violet flowers in June/July.
There may be others too.
28 Nov, 2015