By Ladyessex1
Leigh-on-Sea Essex,
United Kingdom
Hot Lips..... No not me.....LOL....... The plant :o)), If I cut it back now will it come back next year?
28 Nov, 2015
I saw your heading ,- hot lips- and got all excited. Then I saw it was just a gardening question. What a let down.
28 Nov, 2015
Now now, naughty Hank;-)) It'll be Salvia Hot Lips, pretty thing when in flower....
28 Nov, 2015
This is a brilliant site and Bamboo is a very gracious contributor to it. SHE can hardly unknow what she does know and I welcome her advice. Oh dear, did she know a bit more than you? Hurt your pride? You poor thing. I shall pray for you.
28 Nov, 2015
I'm glad you're not going to be on the site any more too - this isn't Facebook and we don't have to put up with obnoxious comments from the likes of you. Bamboo is a legend.
28 Nov, 2015
I am a very experienced gardener and I value the opinion of Bamboo and many other of our members. I didn't realise there were still people who thought they knew all the answers and had nothing to learn. Wow - why did you join us if you have nothing to learn and nothing to contribute? We never have bad manners or silly comments on here Triffidkiller. I see that you have only recently joined the site. Possibly this is not the site for you. It is not a debating site. Perhaps you'd like to find another site where people are down to the same level as yourself. I hope Admin will remove your membership.
28 Nov, 2015
Triffid - delighted to see the back of you
28 Nov, 2015
I don't always agree with Bamboo and she does not always agree with me, but so what? Opinions differ, but that is no reason to fall out and become unpleasant about it.
28 Nov, 2015
Can it be that you didn't notice that Hank was just having a good natured laugh??
There is a big difference in any case between criticising an answer and gently correcting it if its known to be wrong. Bamboo is always polite and indeed knows more than many of us put together.
The objective is to help the questioner not to go on an ego trip. Bamboo doesn't "have to be right", its simply that after a lifetime of professional gardening, and avoiding answering questions that are outside her extensive knowledge she actually is right. I don't see why you have to envious of that. Being knowledgeable doesn't mean that you are not hurt by nastiness.
28 Nov, 2015
I for one have found Bamboo's help very good & good advice too.
Go on Triffid you can disappear as no one wants one like you on here upsetting people, I thought you was very nasty, so don't come back.
Go and get a life.
The rest of us get on don't we :o))
28 Nov, 2015
I see Triffid has disappeared :o), shame when people are nasty, there's no call for it, I like to think of us as one big happy family on here.
"Life is too short"
Be Happy All :o)) xx
29 Nov, 2015
Well, seems safe to come out now he's apparently gone, poor bloke - thanks to all who expressed some very kind thoughts and support regarding contributions I make on here. Cheers
29 Nov, 2015
Darn it and tarnation,!!! I missed some aggro, was feeling a bit down yesterday, (side effects kicking in from all my treatment) could have done with a battle as quite willing to even fight with myself, lol. I gather you were getting it in the neck Bamboo, bet that took you back a few years, can't keep a good one down, pleased to see you had lots of support.....
29 Nov, 2015
This time, I just kept right out of it and flagged what he'd said. Poor bloke was sort of an 'accident waiting to happen' anyway, no idea what triggered the attack yesterday though, haven't even been on a thread where's answered for a month. Probably cos I'm breathing.... and he thought I was a man, sometimes that makes a difference to how people behave... Probably just as well you missed it Lincslass, sounds like you're feeling right feisty, you need to smash some crockery up out in a corner of the garden and/or pummel a cushion to death;-))
29 Nov, 2015
LOL, I'm ok again today Bamboo, had to cancel an outing yesterday due to my health issues and hospital appointment, which actually went very well, was winding myself up a bit, unnecessary and silly really, was ok after having a rest, I can usually be reasonable if I think about what I am writing.
29 Nov, 2015
All this all started off with My "Hot Lips Plant" LOL
Looks like he "Hot Footed It Off" this site,,,,, Hooray,,,,,,.
Bamboo. Glad he did scare you off this site as we appreciate all your feed back xx
29 Nov, 2015
I clicked on to Triffidkiller's account to check and found it has not yet been deleted.
30 Nov, 2015
Well, his comments have been removed and he's probably been given a rap across the knuckles, I'm guessing, I don't think its 'one strike and you're out' on here. Hopefully, he'll acquire a more reasonable outlook over time and realise it should be all about the usefulness/accuracy of the answers to the people who post questions, and not about anyone's ego. Owdboggy's corrected me a couple of times - it's not comfortable, but its useful, you learn that way, and more importantly, the questioner gets a better answer. And then, of course, you never know what's going on in people's lives, sometimes difficulties can spill over and affect one's behaviour elsewhere.
And Ladyessex, this latest thing is nothing - you should have been on here 2 or 3 years ago when I last experienced a full hatchet job. In fact, I've never fully engaged with this site since then, not like I used to - I contribute to two other sites, completely different from this, but I didn't leave this site then, and I ain't leaving now!
30 Nov, 2015
Ha! I ment to say " Didn't scare you off" LOL xx
Bamboo. I ignore people that say nasty things, it just shows how Ignorant they are in my mind so stay and keep your views coming :o)) xx
Hank. You made my day with your comment He! He! Sorry for the disappointment LOL xx
30 Nov, 2015
I know I missed it this time but was around for his last tirade, he reminds me so much of another grumpy git its unbelieveable to think there could be two of them, behaves the same as well, bit like weeds in a garden, cannot have one without the other, they always creep back in....I don't mind being corrected at all and its always interesting to get different opinions on the why's and wherefores of methods and suchlike, of course there are always going to be disagreements its part and parcel but no need to be ignorant with it.....
30 Nov, 2015
One of the hardest things to do is to allow someone else to hold an opinion with which you do not agree.
30 Nov, 2015
I find its something much easier to achieve with age, Owdboggy...or maybe I should say 'maturity'. Or possibly exhaustion! Not to mention becoming accustomed to it because of having offspring who are now adults and largely ignore any practical advice they're given, even though they've asked for said advice, because, after all, what do I know, I'm old, apparently all I've ever done is stand by the cooker preparing meals (my perception of it, not what they've said). Even harder is resisting the temptation to smirk or say I told you so when it all goes wrong... but resist it I do. There was never a saying more true than 'you can take a horse to water....'
1 Dec, 2015
Believe me I know that one, we have 5 children,all of whom are what you would describe as 'dominant' types. Having said that, my wife has only to put on her infant teacher face and they stop immediately.
2 Dec, 2015
2 Dec, 2015
You and your wife must be strong characters too, then Owdboggy - my GP once said to me some years ago now, when I was consulting her about what I might be doing wrong to have such a wilful, uncooperative son, 'well you can't expect two tigers to produce a lamb...' Actually, to be fair, he turned out to be dyspraxic, but it did make me laugh at the time...
3 Dec, 2015
Don't cut it now - if the weather's really cold, the topgrowth will shrivel back, but does provide some protection for the roots. Think of it like a hardy fuchsia - leave the topgrowth and remove dead growth, or cut back, in spring as growth begins.
28 Nov, 2015