By Dcbritboy
United States
I was wondering what the attached picture is of. I am assuming some sort of succulent. Thanks!

24 Dec, 2015
Definitely Euphorbia, closer to E. myrsinites than characias though...
24 Dec, 2015
Not a succulent certainly a Euphorbia but wouldn't like to go further than that!
24 Dec, 2015
Maybe Euphorbia martinii?
26 Dec, 2015
A beautiful Euphorbia whichever variety!
27 Dec, 2015
Maybe a slightly stretched Senecio galpinii? Dcbritboy, does it ever have orange, thistle-like blooms on it?
27 Dec, 2015
So I got something very close to what ever one was suggesting and it is growing better than I even hoped (in a pot that nothing else has been successful). Thank you all for your input!
11 Feb, 2016
I just had an attack of memory! Maybe it is a Calandrinia grandiflora?
12 Feb, 2016
Ooh, yea, I think you've got it Tug - I've never heard of it, but having looked at pics on line, I'd say you're spot on - nice pics of foliage and flowers in the link below
'Attack of memory' is funny;-)) but it ain't your memory storage banks going blank, its that blasted internal filing clerk that just can't retrieve it quickly enough, or even find it for a week or so... Sadly, the medical explanation is a lot more depressing, so I prefer to curse the imaginary filing clerk than think about dead neurons...
13 Feb, 2016
I've tried to grow it here, but it never survived the summer monsoon--I suspect the 35º C nights. Does great in coastal California, though.
14 Feb, 2016
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« Coriander. I grow Coriander in the summer and absolutely adore it, especially...
Looks very much like one of the numerous kinds of Eupphorbia, possibly E. characias
24 Dec, 2015