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California, United States

I was wondering what the attached picture is of. I am assuming some sort of succulent. Thanks!



Looks very much like one of the numerous kinds of Eupphorbia, possibly E. characias

24 Dec, 2015


Definitely Euphorbia, closer to E. myrsinites than characias though...

24 Dec, 2015


Not a succulent certainly a Euphorbia but wouldn't like to go further than that!

24 Dec, 2015


Maybe Euphorbia martinii?

26 Dec, 2015


A beautiful Euphorbia whichever variety!

27 Dec, 2015


Maybe a slightly stretched Senecio galpinii? Dcbritboy, does it ever have orange, thistle-like blooms on it?

27 Dec, 2015


So I got something very close to what ever one was suggesting and it is growing better than I even hoped (in a pot that nothing else has been successful). Thank you all for your input!

11 Feb, 2016


I just had an attack of memory! Maybe it is a Calandrinia grandiflora?

12 Feb, 2016


Ooh, yea, I think you've got it Tug - I've never heard of it, but having looked at pics on line, I'd say you're spot on - nice pics of foliage and flowers in the link below

'Attack of memory' is funny;-)) but it ain't your memory storage banks going blank, its that blasted internal filing clerk that just can't retrieve it quickly enough, or even find it for a week or so... Sadly, the medical explanation is a lot more depressing, so I prefer to curse the imaginary filing clerk than think about dead neurons...

13 Feb, 2016


I've tried to grow it here, but it never survived the summer monsoon--I suspect the 35º C nights. Does great in coastal California, though.

14 Feb, 2016

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