By Brainpicker
United Kingdom
my wife went into sainsburys picked up sweet gem lettuce from Spain instead of little gem. Liked them much
better more leaf less white flesh. Searched everywhere for seeds including Spain cannot find any. Please could
someone tell where I can purchase?
28 Dec, 2015
It appears that it is the same as Sucrine lettuce, and there are seeds sold in the UK by
28 Dec, 2015
I think Sweet Gem is a trade name for a variety of Little Gem actually known as Sucrine, french for 'sugar'. Have a look at the link below,lettuce-seeds-sucrine-lettuce,G078,EN
I can't find anything under sweet gem, all that leads to is ordinary Little Gem seeds, its all a bit confusing.
28 Dec, 2015
I buy sweet gem too, not so acid as little gem. variety I guess
29 Dec, 2015
Previous question
Hi you need to know the correct name of the lettuce variety, this will help in sourcing the seeds.
28 Dec, 2015