By Wendiam
West Sussex,
United Kingdom
I have a 3 year old fig tree in a large pot on a solid base. I have not had any fruit or buds at all. Is it too young to fruit yet, or should I be doing something else with it?
23 Jan, 2016
Thanks for your reply. This fig is outdoors on the allotment, it is Brown Turkey recommended for growing in the UK. It has a sunny, but sheltered spot. I haven't fed it, but was advised to keep it's roots constrained to make it fruit. We are near the south coast, so not likely to be cold, my friend in Fife has fruit on hers and it gets really cold there.
Any ideas?
23 Jan, 2016
Ficus carica 'Brown Turkey'
I hope this helps.
24 Jan, 2016
I have had a Brown Turkey fig in a 15 inch pot for about 6 years and for the past 4 years has produced a great crop of succulent figs. Last year it gave us about 50 plus figs. I believe they like their roots to be constricted as this encourages them to fruit. At the end of the season we take off the tiny fruits as these will not grow to produce a crop the following year. It is in a sunny sheltered position and as far as I remember I have never fed it. Good luck and hope your's gives you a crop soon as they are delicious.
24 Jan, 2016
My fig is Brown Turkey and about 12 years old. It is in a 15" pot and its position is sunny for only a few hours a day. I have to cut it back every couple of year as I don't have the space, but get a relatively good harvest. Like Johnp58, I was told that fruiting is better if the roots are constricted although i am thinking of using a bigger pot this year.I do feed it with tomato food but the main thing I've noticed is that if it doesn't get enough water in spring, the new growing figs will fall off. The small ones at the end of summer get removed as they do not perform. I hope yours gives you a crop this year; i think mine took a few years before I had figs.
24 Jan, 2016
Thank you for your responses. Stjohntongue - I couldn't get the link to work.
My tree is in one of those tub trugs, probably 2ft across, partially sunk into the ground, with 3 inches of harcore underneath it. It is not more that 2 ft tall looks healthy, but produces no buds at all, not even immature late ones. Will keep my eye on the watering in the Spring, in case I am losing the fruit before it has a chance to get going.
25 Jan, 2016
copy and paste the link straight to the address bar in your browser.
I've just done it and the link works ^_-
25 Jan, 2016
Thanks Stjohntongue - got the link to work this time - sadly, it doesn't give me any more information than I already have. Looks like I am doing everything right, but just not producing fruit (which is the reason why I bought the plant). I can only think it is too immature to produce fruit yet. I was wondering, do they need a pollinator?
26 Jan, 2016
Fig (Ficus) have many Species and varieties, from Rubber Trees to Strangler Figs, do you know which you have?
Any chance of a couple of photos one of which a close up of a leaf (for shape and structure).
Some won't produce fruit because of species, others due to too low temperatures.
Other considerations are;
is the plant pot bound?
are the roots girdling the pot?
is the pot suitable for the plant (size)?
is the compost compacted?
does it get enough/any feed?
is it waterlogged?
does water sit in the drip tray for longer than 20 minutes after watering?is the plant sitting in a draught?
does it get the right amount of light?
I have a Fig (Ficus bangladensis) that is at least 20 years old and it has never flowered or produced fruit, that doesn't bother me at all ^_-
23 Jan, 2016