By Dianebulley
United Kingdom
I had a nice patch of Primulas. I grew them from seed.
They flowered every Spring for the last 6 years. Now they have nearly all disappeared. They were there in October. Something has eaten them. It hasnt touched the Polyanthus plants. I have dug up the few bits of roots that are left and moved them with the Polyanthus plants into a planter at the side of the greenhouse. Does anyone know what did this horrible thing to me ?
4 Feb, 2016
primulas are eaten by slugs & snails unfortunately. I find they tend to die back one year and then come back the following year with renewed vigour.
5 Feb, 2016
Thank you Seaburn girl and Cammomile. I feel better now.
Didnt connect the mild weather with slugs this time of year.
I moved the other plants to use in a planter, and will put some slug bait round them.
Went to the GC this a.m. searching for a tough small shrub to put in the original circular planter to make a focal point on my gravel area. Found one, lost label, half price £3. Small variagated box like leaves.
At home identified in RHS Encyclopaedia as ( wait for it)
'Symphoricarpas orbiculatus ' Folis varigatis'
anyway, its very nice and looks perfect, just what I wanted.
5 Feb, 2016
Mine seed themselves in the lawn, guess they choose where to live!
I hadn't thought of the slugs and snails being active,......I have had some in pots get grey mould , its certainly been wet and warm
5 Feb, 2016
What a mouthful Diane! I looked it up and was surprised it says its deciduous - wonder why yours still has leaves - mild winter perhaps? It looks rather like euonymus in the pictures on Google - does it in real life?
5 Feb, 2016
I hated doing it, but yesterday scattered a good handful of slug bait onto the remaining plants. The birds dont go where they are .
7 Feb, 2016
What about the hedge hogs.
21 Feb, 2016
I think it's the mild weather we're having as something has stripped my Azalea and the leaves of some hyacinths and other bulbs. I also found some small slugs chomping on a pot of parsley that I'd grown.
5 Feb, 2016