By Bundoranbill
United Kingdom
I wish to plant perennial flowers to assist low maintainance. I only have a 'garden' 4 ft x 8ft (memorial garden) getting to old for kneeling. Would like to know which plants would be easiest to grow with coloured flowers. I'm not the sharpest tool in the box, so please explain as in an idiots guide. Thank you bill Irvine (Scotland garden)
18 Mar, 2016
I'd suggest a few agapanthus if there's enough sun. Their leaves are usually evergreen and they can tolerate dry ground for a while too :)
18 Mar, 2016
I'd suggest perennial geraniums. A few are evergreen but the ones with the best flowers disappear in winter - you can plant bulbs with them for spring. They are tolerant plants and need very little care apart from any weeding. there are many varieties, in many shades of blue and pink. They will bloom in full sun or partial shade. Avoid the tall ones though as they tend to flop over.
18 Mar, 2016
Previous question
« I found my nearest gardening shop now has it's new stocks of seeds in so went...
Does the area get any sun, and are you easily able to water it regularly, if it needs it?
18 Mar, 2016