By Hank
United Kingdom
A very good friend of mine, who is even more of an amateur than my has taken it on himself to sort out his daughter's front garden.
He's cleared it to some extent as you will see from the photo, and he's havine a load of topsoil delivered on Tuesday which he intends spreading, but there are still numerous weeds here and there and I wonder if he shouldn't do more work on it first, as well as more levelling.
Do you have any suggestions ?

10 Apr, 2016
I think, too, he needs to level it or he might find he has less topsoil to spread than he thiks.
10 Apr, 2016
Oh, I'll help him alright, he once bought a large mill and I built him a suite of offices inside, him mixing mortar and me laying blocks, all in 5 weekends.
Thanks for the info, I'll pass it onto him. Is there anything else we should do prior to spreading the topsoil ?
10 Apr, 2016
After weeding and leveling and before the topsoil addition I then he should sprinkle on weed preventer. Then after the topsoil has been applied sprinkle the same over that layer.
10 Apr, 2016
Thanks L, wll pass that on too. More ?
10 Apr, 2016
Weed preventer? As far as I'm aware, that type of product is not available in the UK, pre emergents here are only for agricultural/professional sports use, Loosestrife and not available to amateur gardeners, unlike in the USA.
I'd confirm he does need to remove all weeds, by the roots, before the topsoil goes on. Bear in mind though, unless he's bought top quality topsoil, most of what gets delivered these days is motorway spoil with the biggest rocks removed, so it'll come with its own crop of weed seeds, which will grow over the next few months, so regular hoeing will be a necessity - even so, its still best to get out anything that's already there. If its going to be planted later on, I'd also suggest he turns the soil over before the topsoil comes in, and he should add some composted manure in with the topsoil, probably around 4 bags worth as a minimum, to up the fertility.
10 Apr, 2016
Hi Hank, I agree with all the above, I have tried for tears to get hold of some casaron g, weed preventer without success, Derek.
10 Apr, 2016
Is corn gluten meal available in the UK, Bamboo? It is shorter acting than the chemicals, but it might still be helpful.
Just a note on weed preventers: they are most effective when applied after all planting is done, and non-living ground covers are applied. Any digging done after the weed preventer is applied will "break the barrier", and allow weeds to sprout. Also, most weed preventers stop weed seeds from sprouting successfully, but will not stop weeds growing from underground roots.
10 Apr, 2016
Not easily, Tug - if it is sold here, its sold as a feed for livestock. Plus I found this somewhat interesting article about lookalike products which won't do the same job. I've never used any kind of pre emergent, organic or chemical, always relied on the old fashioned dig it out and dig it over, then just hoe and add composted materials year on year... but then, gardens here, generally, are so much smaller than many in the States
10 Apr, 2016
I'm using preemergents because I must now enter into methods used in the garden to lessen the work load and make things as easy for myself as possible. The time has come to morph my garden from a cottage one to a geriatric one.
10 Apr, 2016
Raised beds, a lot more paving and lots of geotextile membrane then, Loosestrife;-))) Or move...
10 Apr, 2016
Move? You're a mind reader Bamboo:) Looks like this Victorian of mine will become a Bed and Breakfast in the not to distant future.
10 Apr, 2016
Not really a mind reader - comes to all of us in the end, if we live long enough, needing to downsize... so long as the downsize isn't something that measures roughly 6 x 3 feet, I reckon we're doing alright!
10 Apr, 2016
LoL! In the end I'll be weed feed. In that case, no pre emergents or herbicides will be used.
10 Apr, 2016
I'm expecting to be ash, blowing in the breeze, eventually, though hopefully not yet a while...;-))
11 Apr, 2016
I always said I wanted a rowan tree planted on my grave so that the birds would have something to eat. Then I realised they'd also poo......
11 Apr, 2016
Well, you probably wouldn't notice, Arbuthnot! What I actually want is something called promission - freezing in nitrous oxide, then shattering into bits. No burning, no Co2 emissions, but its not available here yet... Still, its a ways off yet...
11 Apr, 2016
Most likely N2O will never be made available to the public aside from being a propellant in whipped cream cans. Too much potential for abuse(substance type)
11 Apr, 2016
Ah, well, wasn't thinking of doing it at home, Loosestrife, lol! No, there was some talk of crematoriums changing over to the N20 system because of new legislation tightening up on emissions, which would mean the crems needed to invest thousands to get their emission reductions down. Just as cheap to switch to N20 instead...
12 Apr, 2016
Well, N2O is in the category of a greenhouse gas pollutant so that would be a poor choice for turning a former human being into an Ice Popsicle so it can be hit with a cricket bat and smashed to pieces. A better cryogenic fluid would be plain liquid nitrogen I think.
12 Apr, 2016
Ah, okay, that's probably what I mean then, lol! Its so long since I read about it, and I'm no chemist, find all that difficult to get a handle on and remember, so I probably said nitrous oxide when I meant liquid nitrogen - whatever they used in The Terminator, I think;-))
13 Apr, 2016
My friend had gis load of topsoil delivered, spread it, and now needs another load ! As someone said he would.
13 Apr, 2016
Arb don't you know that a bird bombing your head means good luck.... but then again..... if your six feet under?
13 Apr, 2016
Definitely encourage your friend (or help him?) to clear out every single weed . . . easy at this stage when you can see them clearly. If some are left, and your friend is truly an 'amateur' then when plenty of things are growing, he might be unable to distinguish between a genuine plant and a weed?!
His daughter will then have a pristine patch to enjoy gardening.
10 Apr, 2016