I have tree roots above the surface of my lawn and am unable to mow over them. Can I shave these roots down to where the mower can pass over them?
12 Apr, 2016
And another No from me, for the same reasons, it will seriously threaten the tree.
Having checked elsewhere, it's a large, mature Silver Maple in the States, Gnarlygnome... and no I'm not psychic, came across this very same question on another site recently... where the answer was also No... but there's nothing at all wrong with seeking a second opinion!
12 Apr, 2016
No is the answer, as you will damage the tree and cuts etc will let diseases in and dont forget its the roots that anchor the tree into the ground !
Plus you will wreck the blades on your lawn mower in the process
Sounds like you have a cherry tree to me, but other trees root at the surface as well do you know what it is ?
If me I would plant shade loving plants and go with a mini woodland effect underneath and around the tree rather than fight against it
12 Apr, 2016