By Mummy57
United Kingdom
Anybody know why the rhubarb has this growing in the middle ? It looks like a pink cauliflower !!

21 Apr, 2016
It's going to flower and set seed, very pretty though. More details on the site below, for reasons and what to do.
21 Apr, 2016
It's a seed stalk.
Remove seed stalks as soon as they appear. :o))
21 Apr, 2016
Thank you everyone !
21 Apr, 2016
Never having seen pink rhubarb flowers before I looked on google. No info on pink flowers but lots on why they flower and how to discourage it. Seems a lot can depend on the variety as well as growing conditions.
21 Apr, 2016
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« Type in " biggest tomatoes" and there are several pictured and described....
That is the flower head of the plant. Your rhubarb has bolted.
21 Apr, 2016