By Daff
emigrated from Yorkshire to Kent in April 2004,
United Kingdom
I have 2 tumbler tomato plants, they now have flowers on, i've not put them outside yet. Do I have to pollinate them and when should I start feeding.
Thanks. Gail
1 May, 2016
Sorry Stera but if they are in a greenhouse then YES get a child's paint brush and pollinate!
1 May, 2016
I've never pollinated the ones in our conservatory and they have fruited properly?? Only going on experience!
Maybe some little flies got in and did the job.
1 May, 2016
Possibly but safer to pollinate yourself than trust flies will...
1 May, 2016
Actually, most cultivated tomatoes are self-pollinating, but require that the blossoms be shaken for pollen to contact the stigmas. Since bees can't do the job, I would come out most mornings, and tap the blossom trusses briskly to provide the vibration.
2 May, 2016
If you started them off in new compost, you don't need to start feeding until the first fruit starts to form. As you already have flowers, that will be very soon.
2 May, 2016
I've already lost a cucumber due to the frost so wait until the frosts are well and truly over before putting them out. You don't need to feed them until you see the tomatoes appearing you can get the directions on the tomato feed.
2 May, 2016
I too have lost 2 cucs out of three, and my toms were 3/4 inches tall over 2 weeks ago and are still 3/4 inches tall.
2 May, 2016
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No need to pollinate them. The compost they are planted in should have enough fertilizer to last for six weeks or so, perhaps a bit more if you put small plants into big pots.
1 May, 2016