By Thecat
United Kingdom
Ive planted up an alpine bed which has produced a beautiful display but now is beginning to go over. Been trying to find info on what to do now. Do I deadhead, trim the foliage? Will I get a 2nd flush? Any info or advice please.
19 May, 2016
Without knowing what you planted in your 'alpine bed' it is difficult to give you a proper answer... if what you planted were all sprig flowering alpines then you won't have any flowers from now on.
19 May, 2016
thanx for your replies. As I said all are going over now which gives the clue that they were spring flowering. The question still remains as to what I should do now. None are bulbs.
20 May, 2016
When you've dead headed them there's nothing much else to do, but keep them weed free. But it would still help to know what they are.
20 May, 2016
certainly dead head the flowers. you don't say what you have growing. some plants will go on to give a second flush others wont. any bulbs need to be allowed to grow on for about 6 weeks to allow next year's flower to form then you can remove the unsightly foliage.
19 May, 2016