By Kathron
United Kingdom
How do I keep the squirrels away from my tulips dug up most of the bulbs little sods.
19 May, 2016
Vacuum Cleaner fluff. Empty your vacuum cleaner into your flower bed. Works even better if you have pets. The scent of humans/predators repels them. You'll also be fertilizing the flowers - everybody wins!
19 May, 2016
Are you saying they dug them up this spring, while they were actually in leaf, Kathron? It's usual for them to dig up bulbs in autumn, usually just after you've planted them, but they don't normally dig up growing bulbs, so I'm curious about that...
19 May, 2016
One idea is to put chicken wire over the bulbs when planting and before filling in with soil/compost. I have a pair of grey squirrels in my garden and I consider them real pests.....a great pity they were ever brought over here from N America in the first place.
19 May, 2016
This may help Kathron
19 May, 2016