By Stringy
United Kingdom
We have got a small aver tree but another species of it is growing from the bark. Have you ever heard of this before? This has only appeared this year.
19 May, 2016
If possible rub it off rather than cutting off... Oh and did you mean Acer? Never heard of an 'aver'
19 May, 2016
We had a hawthorn growing from an ash - it seeded into a hollow and took root there! Don't expect it will last more than a few years.
19 May, 2016
I've had this happen too! I did what moongrower says! I had a green one growing on the stem of a red one! :)
20 May, 2016
Previous question
Where abouts is the new growth, on the tree? If right at the base then it sounds as if you have a grafted tree and the rooted part has grown. In that case you need to remove it as close to the point of origin as possible.
A picture would help.
19 May, 2016