By Hank
United Kingdom
What else to do with cmfrey ?
Delighted to say I have twice as much comfrey than I had last year. I shall of course make the usual plant fertiliser ( and I have tried it in poultices in the past ) but I'll still have an excess.
Can I put it in the compost bin, and if so should I chop it up - stems, leaves and flowers ? Or would the stems perhaps be better hammered flat ?

26 May, 2016
Thanks A, i did a similar thing myself a couple of years ago with a cut - as you said it worked a treat.
26 May, 2016
Make Comfrey tea. It's excellent for the digestion. :)
26 May, 2016
Thanks RR, but I've been told this is poisonous. I don't remember who told me this.
27 May, 2016
chop up into 4-6" pieces and chuck in the compost bin, mix with other things and it will be a great addition to the humus of your garden.
27 May, 2016
I've read you can use it directly as a mulch without doing anything to it at all. Keep meaning to try it but haven't got round to it yet.
27 May, 2016
If it was poisonous, its sale wouldn't be allowed here. Do an internet search for 'comfrey tea uk' to see for yourself.
I've been drinking it for years for problems caused by an hiatis hernia (I buy it in my local health food shop as I don't have room to grow the plants), and I'm still here, hale and hearty!
27 May, 2016
Thanks all, will be into it this afternoon.
27 May, 2016
I remember a warning about drinking it some years ago - probably somebody just covering their backs. Its an old enough remedy after all.
27 May, 2016
We've never tried making compost from comfrey but I understand it's excellent. You need a lot of space to grow it though.
The only thing I know to do with comfrey is as a treatment for cuts. Bruise a leaf then wrap it around the cut and tape in place. Bleeding will stop and the cut will heal very quickly. Tried and tested by me!
26 May, 2016