By Jan2003
United Kingdom
Hi hope everyone is having a lovely day. could anyone tell me what this plant is please? it growing in a patch of shrubs next to our car we haven't planted it. Thanks.

29 May, 2016
It is Aquilegia. Maybe Aquilegia "Pink Flamingo".
29 May, 2016
It will set seed all over your garden, so next year you'll have free plants.
29 May, 2016
Hi Jan, thank you. I hope you are having a nice day too. We are in Memorial Day Weekend now in the States which is the unofficial start of the Summer (aka Beach) Season and the weather is awesome - sunny, balmy, 85f, beachy.
Longleaf is correct. That plant is Aquilegia. I've never seen that color before.
29 May, 2016
Thank you all so much. is it worth planting in my back garden or would it just take over? I think it's got a beautiful flower :)....Bathgate I hope you have a wonderful start to Memorial Day weekend and it just get better. it's not quite that hot here which I'm glad about as I'm not to good in the hot weather but can't complain better than cold and wind lol.
29 May, 2016
Many people on this site enjoy them. I'm not crazy about them to be honest. Mine always grow in exactly the wrong place. This plant has a spreading habit, but not out of control.
29 May, 2016
Hi Jan depends what sort of garden you have, we let Aquilegias get on and grown and if they appear in the wrong place remove.
29 May, 2016
I have this colour way and they self seed beautifully and they are not difficult to dig out. I have a host of different colours due to their random pollinating .
29 May, 2016
Thanks again everyone, I think I'll leave it wear it is and let it do its own thing. :)
29 May, 2016
Its a very pretty one. Moving it now in any case would stress it badly and might kill it as it would be hard to get all the roots without damage in that situation.
29 May, 2016
Pretty colour and worth keeping in my opinion. Mine are now all variations on dark pink and purple. I would love to have yours.
31 May, 2016
Thank you I will keep it but will leave it where it is for now and lift it when it's finished flowering and put it in my back garden where I can enjoy it :)
1 Jun, 2016
Please excuse the weeds and brambles around it ;)
29 May, 2016