By Pathumwan
United Kingdom
Hi What is the best way to prevent my Coreopsis from dying every two/three years ? I have read that they only last two years I have just bought three plants. pathumwan
1 Jun, 2016
I assume that you are talking about C. grandiflora. C. verticillata and C. auriculata are much longer lived.
1 Jun, 2016
Hi, there are between 80 and 100 species of Coreopsis, both annuals and perennials, some perennial species are usually grown as annuals, C grandiflora being 1 of them, so a lot depends on which species you have, but as Seaburngirl says, they're easily grown from seed, Derek.
1 Jun, 2016
not really they are short lived perenials. you could take cuttings in the hope you can keep it going. they grow readily from seed too.
1 Jun, 2016