By Cambus
United Kingdom
I plant my cherry tomatoes every year and I am never sure when the instructions on the tomato feed tell me to feed only when the first truss appears and I am never sure if that means when the flowers appear or the when the fruits appear
4 Jun, 2016
Yep, they mean when the first tiny fruits start forming.
4 Jun, 2016
Tomatoes are very hungry/thirsty plants. Feeding them young is vital for strong, healthy & productive plants. It develops a healthy root structure, stems & leaves that will be ready to support a bountiful yield once it's mature enough to bare fruit. They would be better able to fight off pathogens & blight as well. Feed your tomatoes weekly.
A truss is the branch from which the flowers & fruit develop. It's the 'bones' of the plant. Healthy bones = healthy fruit & YUMMY TOMATOES!
4 Jun, 2016
But, if you don't mind me butting in - just how much water do they need ? I fill the container below the pot every morning and wonder - if it's empty later - whether to refill it or not. ?
Or should one measure it out in litres ?
5 Jun, 2016
The bigger the tomato plant grows, the more thirsty it will be. If it has a load of developing fruit, it needs yet more water/food. It's good that you are very diligent about checking the soil. Just be sure it never dries out completely.
5 Jun, 2016
Thanks B.
5 Jun, 2016
When the fruit appears. A truss is the bunch of fruit.
4 Jun, 2016