By Stevep
United Kingdom
There are 3 small Rowans ( 7 mts )outside the front of my house. They have a few side shoots growing from the base and a few lower branches that if they were taken off would improve the look of the tree greatly. When should that be carried out.
29 Jun, 2016
I would agree that autumn is safest. I did this with my rowan and removed the lower branches as it was becoming top heavy. It did fine after this, but did not flower the following season. So you may lose a season of berries from it.
However, it was worth it as this year it has flowered well and is a far better shape. And the wind wont take it away now, either! :)
1 Jul, 2016
Autumn is the best time, once the sap has stopped going upwards, or very early Spring before the sap begins to rise again.
29 Jun, 2016