Need inspiration.
By Barbarak
North Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
I am looking for inspiration for next year. I have a flowerbed that is and will be only green until the rudbeckia and helianthus come into flower. I would like suggestions for fairly tall early flowers that will give some colour before the late flowering plants . I have some annual gazania in but they are dwarfed by the foliage of the others.
3 Jul, 2016
I would suggest Geums or Alliums. :)
3 Jul, 2016
Foxgloves, delphinium, lupin, erysimum, campanula persicifolia, if you only wanted biennial/perennial planting rather than flowering shrubs.
3 Jul, 2016
I have geranium psilostemon but does get big, Salvia Carradonna, alsteomeria Indian Summer :-)
3 Jul, 2016
Look at Goypedia below, many questions answered and photos to browse alphabetically you'll be spoilt for choice
3 Jul, 2016
Also I've had Penstemon Garnet in flower a few weeks
3 Jul, 2016
thanks for the ideas. As the late flowering are yellows and ambers I'll have to get coordinating colours.
3 Jul, 2016
Kniphofia (red hot pokers) many varieties and they are hardy. Alliums.
3 Jul, 2016