By Bramhallbill
United Kingdom
Used coffee grounds,
There seems to be 2 uses.
Mix into soil & use as fertilizer or Anti Slug mulch?
Is it OK for all plants?
Never tried before. Got a breakfast bowl full of it!!
12 Jul, 2016
I've not personally tried them as yet, but a neighbour uses them as an anti-slug mulch for all her plants.
12 Jul, 2016
It's not a straightforward answer, really - they can be used around acid loving shrubs, but not more than enough to make a depth of half an inch as an absolute maximum. Applied too thickly, they may bond together and form an impenetrable mat which keeps out water. The amount of nitrogen in them varies between coffee beans, so that's not necessarily predictable, but they can be a useful addition to the compost heap, provided you're not dumping a bucketful on there weekly.
12 Jul, 2016
I drink more real coffee but never considered using used ground as its roasted and is no longer a raw product.
What about used teas? Not going to mix the 2.
There are various coffee processes so the Q is not that straight forward.
12 Jul, 2016
Surely all coffee beans sold for brewing coffee are roasted? Perhaps I'm mistaken, but I've never seen green coffee beans on sale. We drink coffee regularly and I have used the grounds as an anti-slug/snail mulch with varying success. I would agree with all that Bamboo says.
12 Jul, 2016
Use with extreme caution in pots. and probably avoid lime-loving alpines, succulents, and Mediterraneans.
12 Jul, 2016
Coffee grounds are coffee grounds, whether you ground them yourself or whether they were ready ground - all are roasted prior to sale, Bramhallbill. Otherwise, agree with Tugbrethil's answer.
Tea is fine on the compost heap, but probably best to rip the bags first if its not loose tea.
12 Jul, 2016
My coffee grounds and used tea leaves (the sort that come in boxes rather than bags) get thrown around my camellia and hydrangeas. I have far too many hostas now to worry about losing a few leaves to slugs and snails.
Coffee and tea are acidic so don't waste them on anything that prefers an alkaline soil.
14 Jul, 2016
I have been putting some on top of the grit topped Hostas in pots ... seems to be working as no damage from slugs and snails.
12 Jul, 2016