By Alanhartropp
United Kingdom
I now have to grow vegetables in containers. One of my favourites is runner beans.. These are trained up a plastic "wire" fram which is about 6 feet tall. Would it be harmful or beneficial to the plant crop if I cut off the growing point of each plant when it reached to the top of the 6 foot frame?
Alan Hartropp
83 Carlton Road
Derby DE23 6HE
17 Jul, 2016
Suggest you remove both your email address and your postal address - this is a fully public site, anyone can access it... you can read responses via your News section on here.
17 Jul, 2016
You might not at this time be able to edit your question so my advice would be to go to "your news" ...."questions" ...then press the "delete" button to erase the whole question and pose your question again sans the transparency of your personal you see these are a great bunch of members who are genuinely concerned about you:)
17 Jul, 2016
No, not at all. It will encourage the plants to bush.
17 Jul, 2016
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Welcome to GOY Alan but first of all delete your email address for your own security. It shouldn't hurt your runner beans if you take out the growing tip, I've done it with lots of climbing plants that are growing beyond reach.
17 Jul, 2016