By Bootsgarden
United Kingdom
How to get rid of mildew on cucumber and courgette plants in greenhouse?
21 Jul, 2016
Yes you can. You need to ventilate the greenhouse to stop too much damp air and you could use 1 part milk to 9 parts water and spray the plant. Mildew won't hurt you as long as you wash the cues before you eat them, which you would do anyway. I used to take off the occasional mildew leaf. Trouble is if you make it too dry in there you will get red spider mite. It's a balancing act!
21 Jul, 2016
I'll give it a try too Cammomile. thanks
21 Jul, 2016
You can try doing as Cammomile suggests, Bootsgarden, but both these plants get downy mildew as well as powdery mildew - if its downy mildew, unfortunately, there is no treatment, so try the milk spray and increase air flow, but if it all just gets worse, it may well be downy mildew.
21 Jul, 2016
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I'm sorry, but I don't know if you can. I wouldn't eat cucumbers from those plants anyway.
21 Jul, 2016