By Resinone
North Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Can anybody id this one please?
I got this plants included with a large freecycle lot in early spring when people were thinning out and dividing plants. I feel I really should know it!! Thanks

24 Jul, 2016
Possibly, Lythrum (Purple Loosestrife) salicaria, but only guess.
24 Jul, 2016
I can see why you think Clarkia cammomile but I don't think it is, wrong shape leaves and flowers.
Jimmytheone I think you got it, it certainly seems to be growing by the minute, hope they're not invasive like they seem to be in the states as on google.
Thank you both.
24 Jul, 2016
Yes, Purple Loosestrife. Not particularly invasive, likes to grow by water.
24 Jul, 2016
Thanks landgirl100
24 Jul, 2016
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It looks like Clarkia.
24 Jul, 2016