By Annengstrom
Please could you identify this for me? My neighbour says it is a weed, but I call it a wildflower, and the bees love it. Thank you in anticipation , Mrs Engstrom.

24 Jul, 2016
Hi Annie and welcome to Goy. Phacelia, used as a green manure, and much loved by bees I'd view it as a 'wild flower' rather than a weed to be pulled up.
24 Jul, 2016
Ah! Not the Phacelia I know, this one's Phacelia tanacetifolia, the only one I've ever grown/seen is P. grandiflora (also loved by bees!)
24 Jul, 2016
What an unusual flower, it looks as though it's been knitted.
24 Jul, 2016
You can buy it as seed in most garden centres, or even in quantity packs for use as green manure. Some of the farmers round here (Norfolk) have sown this as 'set-aside' for the insects.
25 Jul, 2016
I don't recognise it - if someone else does, all well and good, but if they don't, please post a photograph of the actual plant to show growth habit and foliage.
24 Jul, 2016