By Lulu33
United Kingdom
This is growing in a friends garden, what is it?

7 Aug, 2010
Thanks Fractal. I just lurve horseradish!
7 Aug, 2010
It will have long thick roots called thongs I believe. You need to dig up either the clump or part to get these roots out. I'm sure someone with more experience can add to this.
7 Aug, 2010
I was thinking a Rheum, but horseradish would fit, too.
7 Aug, 2010
I did think of a Rumex but decided on Horseradish as this seemed to match closely to images of it I have compared it too. Difficult perhaps without a scale but that is my educated guess.
8 Aug, 2010
Previous question
« Hi,ive just bought some trachycarpus wagnerianus seed what do i do next
It looks very much like Horseradish. If it ever flowers with a slightly smaller white version of Oil Seed Rape flowers then you have it.
7 Aug, 2010