By Hank
United Kingdom
Exactly 1 week ago a friend gave me a large rhubarb root. He said he'd had it in a black plastic bag for several days and wasn't sure it would grow.
I put it in the next day and noticed yesterday to my surprise the there were already 2 green shoots over 6 inches tall !
As usual I haven't a clue if they need any attention but I do remember my father putting a bucket or something over it for some reason. Any advice would be welcome.

9 Aug, 2016
How on earth the email I sent my cousin the other day got in here I've no idea. Sorry guys, please ignore it.
9 Aug, 2016
Would be good if you could edit your post and delete the email. If you can't simply put a full stop and nothing else in the comment box and type your thanks again
9 Aug, 2016
I've no idea how I enclosed it - I couldn't if I tried ! I was just going to add that I'd be following your directions to the letter. Thanks again.
9 Aug, 2016
No worries Hank :)
9 Aug, 2016
Previous question
Did you put lots of good rich composted mixture in the hole when you planted the crown? You don't need to do anything to the rhubarb right now simply leave it to grow. Next spring put some well rotted manure or compost on the crown before it starts growing. As this is a newly planted crown you won't be able to pick many, if any, of the stems next year as the crown will need t one able to feed itself via the stems. Your father would have put a bucket over the rhubarb to force it to produce early pink stems but this isn't something you want to do with a newly planted crown.
9 Aug, 2016