By Scottish
Gillenia trifoliata.
I first planted this in my garden last year, bought for it's autumn colour more than anything. It was a good sized pot. It grew, flowered and coloured up beautifully!
However, it took until almost the end of July before it had made 2 inches above ground level and even now is only a measly 6 inches high. I have lifted it and potted it up thinking it was perhaps my choice of position.
I gave it part shade with moist but well drained soil. I also read it preferred acid/neutral soil so chose a spot near the very healthy Enkianthus and Camellia.
Before I find an alternative spot for it I'd like to know if anyone else growing this pretty thing finds it slow to get going early in the year or just our colder Scottish climate?
9 Sep, 2016
Thanks Daylily - Nice to see you too, so to speak. I can only guess that perhaps I've given it too much shade. I will try it in a sunnier spot and see how it goes next year.
10 Sep, 2016
I grow it in a shady spot near an apple tree in chalky soil. it shows above ground late June early July but gets to about 2ft tall that's all.
Never seen it taller than 2 1/2 ft tall, so yours is a whopper daylily
10 Sep, 2016
Thanks for your input SBG. Quite a slow starter in comparison with others then. I suspected this might be the case. I need to remember that when I'm searching for it next year!
10 Sep, 2016
Ooh maybe I've added a bit on it was a guess but just got the tape measure out and yes 2.5 - 3ft looks about right :-))
10 Sep, 2016
yes I have a marker in the soil so I don't hoe its growing tips off.
11 Sep, 2016
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Hi Scottish nice to see you, I have this in acid soil also, I have had it a few years and moved it a couple of times but it has always put on tallish growth about 3-4ft, but never seems to bulk out much and has never really "romped" away, I have it in shadey part on the east side, if that helps :-)
10 Sep, 2016