By Buzz1066
United States
I have had a ponytail plant for 25 years. It now stands between 5' and 6' in its pot. It is now too big for the house. Do you think it could stay outside if I protect it from frost with fleece and bubble wrap? I live in the East Midlands.
Many thanks
David Wilson
11 Sep, 2016
If it is the East Midlands, it probably wouldn't work, since they occasionally get frost damage even in my far milder winters. If there are any large public conservatories that you are partial to, you might see if they will take it. It's also possible that a plant nursery will buy it from you, if it's in good health.
11 Sep, 2016
Well that's a bit confusing - East Midlands suggests UK, but the flag and your location say USA...
11 Sep, 2016