By Charnwood
Good evening all I would like to know what this is as I really like it as it brightens up a shady spot, also how do I get more of them or do I just go and buy some. Many thanks.

11 Sep, 2016
You can grow them from seed or buy the plants but there are many more pink ones than white ones and single ones are more common than doubles so you might have to hunt round a bit.
11 Sep, 2016
Thank you both. I should have know but couldn't for the life of me remember what it was.
11 Sep, 2016
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« I have had a ponytail plant for 25 years. It now stands between 5' and 6'...
Hi, looks like Alcea rosea Chater's double, common name hollyhock, a vigorous hardy perennial, Derek.
11 Sep, 2016