By Amsterdam
United Kingdom
Planting suggestions. I have an awkward area under a established hawthorn shrub that gets no sun and limited water. Would like some woodland plants that could cope with those conditions. Or any plants for that matter!!

11 Sep, 2016
don't forget bulbs in the spring and then think about autumn crocus, cyclamen and colchicums. then there are ferns that are happy in dry shade to consider too. I also have pachysandra which is an ever green ground cover.
11 Sep, 2016
Mahonia repens or Brunnera are possibilities. Would Bergenia work?
11 Sep, 2016
There's a nursery on the 'net that specialises in shade-loving plants. I've used them myself and they're very good.
11 Sep, 2016
Thanks everyone for your suggestions. Had a look a the website and will make a selection in spring when will ne planting new plants. Bulbs I will put in in the autumn. Have a feeling that the soil is quite poor in nutrients so wanted to dig in some rotted horse manure. Anything else I could do to improve the soil?
11 Sep, 2016
Bamboo and others -sorry about the pictures being all over the place- it's my IPad that's to blame!
11 Sep, 2016
Epimediums might be worth considering as well. I have some in a very unpromising dry shady spot.
11 Sep, 2016
Lamiums of all sorts, Sarcococca varieties, Box, Ruscus - but all will need watering till established.
By the way, difficult to look at your photos, I had to open each one separately off site - the top one's upside down, the middle and bottom one are sideways on...
11 Sep, 2016