By Hank
United Kingdom
Now I have rhubarb growing rapidly, I went to check out Asda's rhubarb. 4 sticks for £2 but the sticks were GREEN ! I always thought it had to be red - or at least pnk before eating. I already have several like that. ( and a couple of pink )
19 Sep, 2016
Thanks B, i won't mither again on this subject - but I will own up to looking at rhubarb crumble recipes.
19 Sep, 2016
Hank, I know you are desperate to eat some of your rhubarb just one word 'don't' we've already told you several times now why this is not a good idea. Even next year you'll have to be careful to take only a few stems... let the crown develop and, in a couple of years, you'll have rhubarb coming out of your ears! By the way you can compost the leaves when you pull, don't cut, the stems.
19 Sep, 2016
No, the colour doesn't mean anything, some rhubarb varieties are really pink (Pink Champagne for instance), others are green or green and red. But I think your rhubarb is new to you in the last few weeks, so don't crop from it this year, the crown needs to develop and it does that better if you don't crop in its first year.
19 Sep, 2016