By Joanairey
United Kingdom
I have grown green chillies and have enjoyed some success. On some of the seed packets the chillies are shown as red. Do I have to leave them on the plant to turn red? I would also like to grow more kinds of chillies. Any ideas?
29 Sep, 2016
Thanks Pamg. I have now been on this website. I would really like to grow different types of peppers all year round!
29 Sep, 2016
Couldbe fun next year, I prefer sweet peppers, the long ones are lovely roasted or barbecued
Have fun choosing ?
30 Sep, 2016
Some tend to go black before turning red.
30 Sep, 2016
Thanks Littlelegs. I'll watch out for this. They are all green at the moment. Does anyone know how long it takes for them to turn red? I don't want to leave them for too long in case they rot.
1 Oct, 2016
Keep an eye on them, bring them indoors if it turns cold, bananas are supposed to help things ripen, they'll go streaky first
Its an age thing too, maybe start them earlier if you can keep them warm enough
2 Oct, 2016
Yes like tomatoes and peppers they go red when ripe.....
I dont grow chillis but the seed catalogues do have fun decripions like atomic, inferno, prarie fire etc
Also south devon chilli farm could be good place to start, try googling
29 Sep, 2016