hi all,Something wrong with my orchid
hi all,
Something wrong with my orchid, the roots are turning black, but the leaves look healthy and a new leaf is coming too. Please can someone help me what to do next
1) why roots are turning black
2) the buds are not opening
3) What has infected them?
4) Do i need to fertilize them?
5) the color of the flowers is fading
6) why does it have a white hole/ spot on the leaf, nothing below the leaf.
thank you all for your help.

10 Oct, 2016
The black roots can be trimmed, they can be fertilised in leaf or in flower with specialist fertiliser, the hole in the lead could be due to water splash - water from below but don't let them stand in water for more than 1 hour - the flowers are fading because they are nearly done - flower buds falling off are due to shock - too much moving around, too much water. Apart from all that the plant looks healthy!
11 Oct, 2016
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« Hi I was given a tall peach tree 2 years ago. The soil wasn't very good so it...
Have you been overwatering? The roots in the 2nd photo look he normal pale green colour so where are they going black?
10 Oct, 2016