By Lillibee4
United Kingdom
We have lots of these in the garden and my husband thinks they are mushrooms but I'm not sure. Can anyone identify these please

10 Oct, 2016
I would eat them as I would say that they are field mushrooms. On the other hand, as you felt the need to ask the question, take one to your local wildlife interest club/ nature reserve warden or similar.
10 Oct, 2016
If you see these, your garden soil is doing a great job of enriching itself. No need to eat them, just let them do the job they are supposed to do which is to give you wonderful soil along with worms, bacteria and a variety of fungi. Like to eat them? Then get them from market. Most mushroom pickers learn from experienced mentors in the field.
10 Oct, 2016
If you find a mushroom that looks exactly like an edible field mushroom there are one or two important things to check. The gills should be pink, or brown in an older one, and yours looks OK in this respect. Second, then make sure that when you pick it or if you peel off a little of the skin there is no bright yellow stain appearing. If there is, dispose of the mushroom and wash your hands...
There should be a little ring of skin near the top of the stem, or the remains of one in an old specimen. The bottom of the stem should not end in a sort of bulbous swelling. Sorry I don't understand which part of it the second picture is showing?
10 Oct, 2016
Looks like the upper surface of the cap to me, Steragram...
10 Oct, 2016
I'd certainly cook and eat them, Bulba and I have gathered mushrooms looking exactly like this for years... Worst you are going to get I suspect if they aren't what we think is an upset tummy. Not like eating some of the really dodgy ones! That said you need to feel happy before you cook!
10 Oct, 2016
I'd let your husband eat one, then wait and see :) Do you have good life insurance?
11 Oct, 2016
Bamboo I see where you're coming from but I have never seen a mushroom cap that looks like that even when its peeled..
11 Oct, 2016
Looks exactly like the cap of a field mushroom before peeling to me Stera
11 Oct, 2016
LOL Cammomile...!
11 Oct, 2016
The mushroom family isn't limited to those you buy in the supermarket. There are thousands of varieties. Many are poisonous to humans, so if you're thinking of eating it, get it checked out by an expert first. It looks like a field mushroom to me, but better safe than sorry!
12 Oct, 2016
What a shame we can't pop into the pharmacy and ask them like you can in France.
12 Oct, 2016
The others that look like field mushrooms are all uncommon and most are edible anyway. I would eat it if I found it.
12 Oct, 2016
Want to eat something from the field and are hesitant about mushrooms? May I suggest picking some dandelions, washing them well and putting them into your salad. They are very good for you.
13 Oct, 2016
But remember the French name for them - pis en lit....
13 Oct, 2016
Ah, dandelion leaves, best diuretic there is, more effective than pills... but relatively nutritious nonetheless
13 Oct, 2016
A great diuretic, good source of vitamin A and others not to mention a very mild laxitive too:)
13 Oct, 2016
I've just read an article in the Independent warning of "masses and masses" of death cap mushrooms flourishing this Autumn due to the mild wet weather. They kill 90 percent of people who eat them, so beware!
15 Oct, 2016
Thankfully these look nothing like death cap mushrooms
15 Oct, 2016
To an untrained eye it would be Russian roulette to consider eating what is in the picture.
16 Oct, 2016
Well they're definitely mushrooms or toadstools, and they do look like edible ones, but I wouldn't recommend you actually eat them without a firm ID as to which ones they are. You need a fungi expert - and that's not me!
10 Oct, 2016