By Lincslass
United Kingdom
In June I showed the devastation on my Viburnam shrubs, it was obviously too late to spray them for this year, each time any new growth appeared through the summer the same thing happened and all the new leaves were soon skeletal again, I am wondering should I remove the shrubs or do I cut them right back and see what happens next year, any advice would be much appreciated..
23 Oct, 2016
Yes thats the one Gnarly, never seen anything like it before, I am making sure I don't add any of those leaves to my bins, I will make sure I have some new spray for next springtime, both shrubs are a good distance away from my ponds so no worries with using one.. Thankyou Gnarly..
23 Oct, 2016
I got rid of the dreaded beetle temporarily, by cutting back the whole bush nearly to the ground and disposing of all the trimmings. It was fine for two years, but this year the poor thing was devastated again. Looks like I'll be chopping back again this winter! (I don't use insecticidal sprays).
23 Oct, 2016
I have had on mine past 3 years , I had to take out the dividing hedge in the front garden 20 feet about 10 plants fed up spraying it but if only one or two like you have is easy to do When all the houses built here they landscaped all of the gardens with Viburnam Eve Price one of the favorites for the beetle other varieties suffer less.
Organic Pyrethrum works great and if worried about other insects bees etc , spray then cover with a a fleece for 24 hours .
23 Oct, 2016
I don't usually use a spray, if needs be I will pour solution over something, reason being my fishponds but needs must I'm afraid, I'm not into all the do's and don'ts as regards chemicals but even I have enough sense to know that something needs to be done to stop the spread of all the diseases and the bugs, not all chemicals are bad and if I can save my shrubs I will give it a go, as you say I can cover them, if it happens again next year, then I'm afraid the shrubs will have to go completely..
23 Oct, 2016
Pyrethrum worth a try then as its natural....but what a pity. Never seen this horrid beetle up here....yet. :( I would be so sad as I love my Viburnum tinus.
23 Oct, 2016
Thats right Karen, my bushes have been here a long time and never had any problems in the past, it might sound a bit daft but I think we need a return of the harsh winters, then some of these biddy pests might get killed off or at the very least slow them down a bit..
23 Oct, 2016
I think you're right there LL! You need a couple of Scottish Highland Winters...not my winters, they are still too mild :)
23 Oct, 2016
My Viburnum tinus have never been affected, the one that suffers badly is Viburnum opulus. This has much thinner leaves than the leathery evergreen V. tinus, I wonder if that's a factor?
24 Oct, 2016
I too wonder about that L'girl as I have the Tinus as well, its been nibbled also but not as badly, I had to cut that right back a couple of years ago because it developed some sort of fungus on one side, it has sentimental values, was bought to celebrate my grandaughter starting school, call me daft if you like but she started Uni last year and no way was I losing that shrub ( if I can help it ) whilst she is still in the educational stage, have kept my eye on it all summer and I'm willing it to survive..
24 Oct, 2016
My Viburnum opulus was nibbled to lacy shreds last year, and I cut it back VERY HARD, thinking it wouldn't survive. This year it grew back happily, and unaffected!
24 Oct, 2016
Thankyou Sheila, lets hope that is what happens to mine then...
24 Oct, 2016
Or you could just spray lol
24 Oct, 2016
Thats right Gnarly, I will be spray happy,LOL, I've been gardening today and all the shrubs received a darn good talking to with a very threatening tone, my hubby thought I'd flipped my lid but then he's not a gardener and doesn't understand..
24 Oct, 2016
we do UNDERSTAND..... but would you like him messing about in the garden mmmmm
24 Oct, 2016
No way, he has no idea where to put his feet when helping me, was only out there today because he was cutting a huge Buddhlia down for me, I'm not allowed to use his magic saw, considers it too dangerous for me, who he thinks has been using all the other tools over the years is beyond me, lol.
.He was good last year when I was unable to do it but very relieved when I took all the jobs back this year.....
24 Oct, 2016
Sue - I have only half my Viburnum 'onondaga' left after OH 'helping' me :(( - but he's lovely really, lol!
25 Oct, 2016
Yes so is Derek Sheila, he just has a mental block as regards gardening....
25 Oct, 2016
I thought as much lol
25 Oct, 2016
Question: is the leaf little holes all over?
16 Dec, 2016
Hi Wells
Yes to your question , but at this time of year no beetles or caterpillars are out and about .... If you have any damage its been caused earlier in the year .
17 Dec, 2016
Thanks for answer. I knew something was getting this bush!
20 Dec, 2016
Are you asking about viburnum beetle ? your trees and bushes will be fine next year as its only the new growth that gets eaten ..
Pity we cant get hold of a "winter wash" that we used on the apple trees as the eggs will have been laid on the branches and bark in all the nooks and crannies.
If me, once all the leaves have dropped clear away all the old leaves and burn if you can dont add to the compost heap , as soon as you see any damage April May time use a pesticide for caterpillars as if you leave the spay has little effect on the beetle.
Hope that helps a little
23 Oct, 2016