By Queenie
United Kingdom
I fell for the 'plant of the year' Salvia Hotlips, took lots of cuttings which have taken... But help! what do I do now? Will they survive the winter? They seem quite woody but do they need greenhouse protection? I've only a small cold frame or the spare room.....but would hate to lose them, and the parents are in the garden too big to move. Any advice appreciated.
10 Nov, 2016
Bamboo's advice is exactly right. Your cuttings should be OK following this advice, but the good news is that you still have the 'parents', so you'll easily be able to take more cuttings next year.
11 Nov, 2016
Thanks for all the advice, I will certainly put some in cool room, and some in cold frame and see how they fare.
12 Nov, 2016
I left mine in the garden last year and it survived the winter. I didn't cut it back until I saw new growth but the weather was relatively not to severe.
12 Nov, 2016
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« Anyone able to identify this perennial flower for me please Thanks
Hmm, difficult one - maybe you should cram some in the cold frame and keep some indoors in a cool room - they're listed as half hardy, but they do survive quite well outdoors in warm, sunny spots in milder winters, but that may not be true of small ones. If you've lots, you could plant a couple outdoors as well as keeping the others.
11 Nov, 2016