By Scotkat
Not a garden ?
If you delete your account on goy would all you photos and blogs dissapear
You may have noticed that some of my blogs have dissapeared.
But this is taking too long to delete the. As I have been a member here for a long time.
Was thinking in deleting my account and renaming and starting new account with fresh photos no blogs.
16 Nov, 2016
Personal this why I dont want to do blogs if the photos stayed on images thats ok but really want to remove my blogs .
This was just to let everyone know that I think be easier to delete and rename with a different account.
16 Nov, 2016
the photos in blogs only appear in the blogs not in the normal photo section. so if you just delete the blogs all the others pictures will stay in your account.
16 Nov, 2016
Thats ok
16 Nov, 2016
Trying to delete now but its impossible does not work
16 Nov, 2016
Just send an email to the administrator asking him to do what you want to do. I'm sure he can delete it from his end.
16 Nov, 2016
I did to and still waiting
16 Nov, 2016
Scotkat the GoY website has been down most of the day... You honestly don't need to do a thing I've got loads of old blogs. with pix in them but no one really looks at so 'so what'?
16 Nov, 2016
Mg I know its bern doen most of the day .
Yes so what my buisness personal reason what it all off this is why I want to delete my account
16 Nov, 2016
Weird and wonderful things happening today it seems, three times I have put a comment on Terrra's blog because my original one wasn't there and they've disappeared into the wide blue yonder, gremlins in the works again, Im going to blame the moon, lol... ....
16 Nov, 2016
Well if you want to delete your account go ahead and do so... none of us can stop you, it is your choice and your decision!
16 Nov, 2016
Your photos, questions and blogs will be removed when your account is deleted. All of the above are your personal thoughts and creations, why let them dissolve away like that? Please reconsider this.
16 Nov, 2016
I just had a good laugh at Lincslass comment, ha ha!
17 Nov, 2016
Ah, so the website was down, so there Stera ! And you were laughing at me for whinging.
17 Nov, 2016
I panicked and yes I admit it, I even sent one of my pals a message to ask if it was the same for him...
17 Nov, 2016
ScotKat has now deleted I see. Wonder what the problem was.
17 Nov, 2016
Was on this site since 2008 I surmise quite a bit was lost.
17 Nov, 2016
Kath has her own group on Facebook, she has steadily been uploading lots of her pics on there, a few from Goy are already members, I often think about how many people I would lose contact with if goy went down completely..
18 Nov, 2016
She's asked me to join her website, but I think she wants to be reincarnated on here - come back with a new identity. I wish life was that easy.
18 Nov, 2016
Yes she did say she might come back next year Paul, a change is as good as a rest, thats what they say isn't it..
I always say I'm coming back as a very pampered pet, lol....
18 Nov, 2016
I would like to come back as a fly on the wall.
18 Nov, 2016
LOL, L'strife think of all the dangers, there you are earwigging on a juicy bit of scandal and some bright spark swats you with an electric bat, or sprays you with icky sticky stuff.....
18 Nov, 2016
Your comment above made me laugh aloud, Lincslass. I've now decided that a fly on the wall is the last thing I want to come back as but, like you, a pampered pet (of the 4 legged variety) would be great.
I'd miss Goy too, even the irritable and complaining posts. They all add to life's rich tapestry that Shakespeare mentioned a little while ago.
19 Nov, 2016
Thats right Arbuthnot, definitely not feathered or might end up as xmas dinner, lol, I know its quieter than it used to be and even though I have not posted many blogs this year, I am still around and check in most days, if one hasn't actually changed anything in the garden then you get to the stage whereby one is just repeating oneself.
I like to think that even though I myself have never met anyone away from these pages, I have been conversing long enough to class members as my gardening friends, we've had some fun over the years, I like to read back over the blogs and have sat here many a time having a right good laugh, learnt a lot as well and also copied many an idea. Even the controversial ones are part and parcel of Goy, mind you that rarely happens now so perhaps we've either grown up or got used to each other....
19 Nov, 2016
Lincs that was taken into consideration. If swatted or zapped I would come back as another fly on the wall. Reincarnation has its advantages.
19 Nov, 2016
AH !!! yes I know where you are coming from L'strife, zap the only fly you see and before you have a chance to hoover the darn thing up another one is on the ceiling glaring at you, lol....
19 Nov, 2016
Yep, reincarnate as another fly. On the other hand they are incredibly stupid insects as I've found many a time when I've tried to scoot a bluebottle out of the window. Also they do have predators, many of the human variety. Perhaps I'll come back as a garden flower that will give lots of pleasure. I did at first think of a rose as I do have a sharp thorn or two but no, better to be sweet smelling honeysuckle which attracts the bees and butterflies.
Let's have a poll.
Which flower would everybody choose to be? Hank would most definitely be a fuchsia, I reckon.
19 Nov, 2016
Oh now I think a rose would be perfect for me because I can be very nice but do have thorns and will use them if I deem it neccessary, lol...Having quite a chuckle here and I hope she doesn't mind but I'm adding Bamboo as well, we do think alike....
19 Nov, 2016
As for me I would choose......Hops. The reason why I quite obvious I think:) hic!...hic!
19 Nov, 2016
If I could, I'd come back as a oviraptorosaur, Anzu. If I coud.
19 Nov, 2016
Looks kind of like a turkey doesn't it?
19 Nov, 2016
I had to look that one up, was thinking along the correct lines though, Paul its described as The Chicken From Hell, are you sure about that one, lol.....
Like your choice L'strife..
19 Nov, 2016
that's the one
19 Nov, 2016
lol! you comedians! :)
20 Nov, 2016
Paul, you were supposed to be a flower not a daft looking duck. Would you really want to look like that? Personally, even Trump or Boris is a better option than that!
20 Nov, 2016
Not a flower for me, Arbuth, I've always thought I'd like to come back as a seagull . . . fly to all my favourite beaches, eat fish (and maybe pinch the odd chip)!
23 Nov, 2016
And attack the tourists! If I was a bird I'd like to be a Robin. So that's started another poll.
23 Nov, 2016
I would have chosen a Robin as well, a little Jenny Wren or Blackbird would be good though.....
24 Nov, 2016
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I don't know scotkat for sure but I think everything goes. But why are you deleting your blogs? if you don't want to write any more then don't. It would be a shame to get rid of them as they have been enjoyed by many of us.
Are you ok?
16 Nov, 2016