By Landgirl100
United Kingdom
Just browsing through my seed catalogues, as you do on a wet New Year's Day, and I noticed that Marshalls are selling quinoa seeds. Has anyone tried growing quinoa? It's expensive to buy in the supermarket so might be a good thing to grow this year.
1 Jan, 2017
I'm curious, too. It's probably a winter crop, where I live, but all data is useful.
1 Jan, 2017
This might be helpful, though I agree that anyone with actual experience in the UK is the go to.
1 Jan, 2017
Just had a look on Google and found several refs to places growing it commercially in the UK.
I read somewhere that picking and processing is pretty labour intensive though as there are far fewer grains per stalk than other commercially grown grains.
I hope you have more success with it than I did with sweet potatoes...please let us know if its successful.
2 Jan, 2017
I too am going to grow it this year after buying the seeds in a bargain bucket at a garden centre not too long ago. Perhaps we could compare notes at the end of the growing season to see how success we both were! Good luck with your quinoa!
2 Jan, 2017
What a good idea . . . I look forward to seeing if anyone has yet grown it.
1 Jan, 2017