By Sheilabub
United Kingdom
OH is mad with me - with some justification! Although we'll soon be putting the house on the market I have bought a Prunus 'chocolate ice' . . . 5ft tall. I've said that I can cut it down: would that be best now, or wait till the sap is rising? Thanks.
14 Feb, 2017
Thanks Bamboo - OK, I'll wait, and vow to be more sensible. I'm an idiot, but upset at having to leave behind my Great White Cherry!
14 Feb, 2017
when do you move? I'd just leave it alone after all that's what would happen in the gc. admittedly moving it will be a chance for the removals people to show their mettle.
14 Feb, 2017
Hopefully Spring/ early summer Seaburn. Yes, I'll put in in a large pot, and hope the 'movers' can cope. There will be a few other large items too, so I may have to get help from friends.
14 Feb, 2017
when we helped to move a friend we hired a transit van [£55 for the day] for all her pots etc. it was the last trip of the day.
the removal company would be able to put a few in the lorry but there were 3 motor bikes and the contents of a workshop to shift. they wanted a lot of extra cash for that so we helped as we had a double motorbike trailer.
16 Feb, 2017
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But if you prune it now, you'll lose the flowers in April/May, won't you. Not intended to be pruned really, hard to advise when to do it, but it sort of makes sense to do it after its flowered and not before at the very least.
14 Feb, 2017